Shipping Policy

Unlike many other web sites that have special rules and lots of fine print, has a transparent and clear shipping policy for all orders placed on our website, without any special exceptions.

Just because shipping is free doesn't mean it should take a long time. Rasoishop understands that getting your items quickly is important to you, so we make every effort to process your order quickly.

We are committed to delivering your order accurately, in good condition, and always on time promised by us in our website.

  • Once you place the order, you will be notified with the placement of order. Day, Date and Time of dispatching the order and the delivery of the order. So, we suggest you check your email and SMS time to time.
  • We offer FREE Shipping (specified on the Product detail page) on selected products ordered through
  • Each order may be shipped only to a single destination address specified at the time of payment for that order. If you wish to ship products to different addresses, you shall need to place multiple orders.
  • We make our best efforts to ship each item in your order within 2-3 working days of the order. However in some cases, we may take longer, up to 5 working days, to ship the order as we may have to procure it from some other stores or our suppliers.
  • We ship on all week days (Monday to Saturday), excluding public holidays.
  • To ensure that your order reaches you in the fastest time and in good condition, we only ship through reputed courier agencies.
  • While we shall strive to ship all items in your order together, this may not always be possible due to product characteristics, or availability.
  • If you believe that the product is not in good condition, or if the packaging is tampered with or damaged, before accepting delivery of the goods, please refuse to take delivery of the package, and call our Customer Care 78188 78188 or log on to Submit Ticket, mentioning your order reference number. We shall make our best efforts to ensure that a replacement delivery is made to you at the earliest
  • You may track the shipping status of your order on our website, by clicking at Track your Order section.
  • Please note all items (including gifts) will be shipped with an invoice mentioning the price, as per Indian Tax Regulations.
  • We, under any circumstances, don’t accept any cancellation request which is received after 24 hrs of placing the order OR if the product has already been dispatched from our side.